Notifier NCA-2 (C) Network Control Annunciator (NEW)
The NOTIFIER NCA-2 is a second-generation Network Control Annunciator for the NOTI•FIRE•NET network, compatible for use with ONYX® Series nodes such as the NFS2- 3030, NFS-3030, NFS-320, NFS-640 and NFS2-640 fire alarm control panels, as well as first-generation NCA Network Control Annunciators. Additionally, the NCA-2 may be configured with DVC Series products to create one or more Digital Audio Command Centers on NOTI•FIRE•NET. The NCA-2 provides system control and display capabilities for all, or for selected network nodes.
The NCA-2 display consists of a 640-character backlit LCD display, and a control interface consisting of “soft” keys used to navigate screen menus, “hard” keys with fixed control functions, and a QWERTY keypad.
When connected to one or more networked panels the NCA-2 provides network control and status/history display capabilities. It may also be configured as the Primary Display for displayless nodes on the network.