Notifier HS-NCM-SF(NEW)
High-Speed Network Communications Module, fiber-optic cable interface (single-mode)
The High-Speed Network Communications Module (HS-NCM) provides NOTIFIER’s NFS-320, NFS-640, NFS2-640, NFS-3030, and NFS2-3030 Fire Alarm Control Panels, NCA and NCA-2 Network Control Annunciators, and DVC Digital Voice Command with a means to connect to High-Speed NOTI•FIRE•NET (NFN).
Each HS-NCM can accommodate up to two node addresses. For example, one HS-NCM can provide network communication for both an NFS2-640 and an NCA-2.
When not connected to a fire alarm panel, the HS-NCM defaults to repeater mode and can be used to boost signal distances or to pass data transmissions between two differently configured network segments when wire and fiber co-exist on a network.