Notifier XPP-1 Processor Module for XP Series Transponders (REFURBISHED)
Notifier's XP Series Transponders are controlled by the XPP-1 Processor Module. The XPP-1 is the only required module in the XP Transponder system.
The XPP-1 provides two Form-C relays plus one monitoring point that can be mapped into the FACP system. The base address for the XP Transponder is set by two rotary switches on the module.
This module controls up to three XPC, XPR, or XPM expansion boards installed in any combination in the system:
— XPM-8 Transponder Monitor Module provides eight Style B or four Style D Initiating Device Circuits.
— XPC-8 Transponder Control Module provides eight Style Y or four Style Z Indicationg Appliance Circuits
— XPR-8 Transponder Relay Module provides eight single Form-C or four dual Form-C dry contact relays.