Mircom FDX-008WKI Fan Damper Module (NEW)
There are two models of the Fan Damper Control Display modules available. The FDX-008W Fan Damper Module provides configurable output circuits for Fan Damper and Purge control and has 8 switches. The FDX-008WKI provides 7 switches and a terminal block is used to connect a key switch to enable the fan/purge control function. The FDG-008 Fan Damper Graphics Control Module provides the same control (eight switches and associated LED indicators) as the FDX-008W except through a graphics display. Each circuit has a slide in label and a three-position selector switch with Green “ON” or (open) LED, Amber “OFF” and a Yellow “TROUBLE LED. The three-position selector switch has a centre Auto position with White LED system running, a left “OFF” (or closed) position and a right “ON” (or open) position. In the “Auto” position the fan or damper follows the fire alarm programming when an alarm occurs. When the switch is turned to the “OFF” position the fan or damper is turned off or closed. If the fan or damper is normally on or open, it will turn off or close when the switch is moved to the “OFF” position.